Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! I've been studying all vacation for my biology exam, but I figured I'd make some time to update my blog for this special occasion. It's actually been pleasant visiting the relatives this year. Just now, I finished watching the 3 Stooges marathon with my 94 year-old grandfather. For some reason, and completely contrary to what I was expecting, the Stooges are even funnier now than they were when I was younger.
Now, for a word from my wise grandfather on this New Year's day:
"Happy birthday! Ho ho ho!"
... He's a pretty awesome dude.

I had a very enjoyable Christmas with my family. I didn't ask for much, but I had the forethought to make my mom a "picture list" so she would know what exactly it was that I wanted. Her memory isn't very good, so she really appreciated being able to see the items that I wanted. As a result, I got clothes that actually fit and books that I will read, and I am a happy monkey. Yay!

I also finally bought myself a new helmet. You see, I had no idea that you were supposed to replace your helmet every five years and every time you fall. Well, 8 years, 10+ falls, one "toss through (yes "through") a wooden fence," one "emergency eject off of a speeding pony cart " and one "getting crushed by a 1600 lbs horse*" later, I realized that a new helmet would be a very good idea. A good idea, indeed.

I visited my aunts and uncles and cousins and had a very good time, which, coming from the person who used to try to hide from people at family gatherings, is a good improvement. Hooray for learning not to be a stick in the mud!

I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year's day!

[I will start regularly updating again once I return to PEI.]

*I was wearing a skull cap-style helmet, as opposed to my normal helmet, for that one. I blacked out for a few seconds, and it's no wonder I did, as the back of the helmet was completely crushed in. I would be SO dead. There's a lesson here, folks.

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