Wednesday 4 January 2012

Hey, Now!

Look here! A post done at a decent hour of the day!
Since my mom came home, we've actually gotten things done on time, which means, wonderfully enough, that I actually have time to do what I want during daylight hours! TEARS. TEARS OF JOY.

I think I'm going to take the wee-man for a walk in the snow. Yes. That is a very good idea :3

Also, I encourage you to check out this lovely person's site:
It's always nice to check out other people's art when you need some inspiration!

Okay, pictures:
This was done in oil pastel. I don't use oils pastels very often, but I find them to be fairly versatile when trying different coloring styles!

If you ignore the doodles underneath the paint, this is an interesting composition. Maybe I'll do a version 2 someday...

A sketch of the minis I used to take to nursing homes.  I was originally going to color this, but once my sketchbook is closed, I don't touch anything in it.

I like this character. I don't think I ever named her, but the design is clean and simple. Job description? "Master Badass."

This is the last picture of the sketchbook. I really really love this one. There is very little that I could pick on, and the style is so... stylish? Crap, I ran out of words! Ha-

Speaking of job descriptions, I've had a number of unofficial jobs, but my two favorites were being a pet therapist, which involved taking miniature horses to nursing homes and rehab centers, and being a freight elevator operator for Western Ave. Studios in Lowell. They were fun and interesting jobs, and even though the elevator got stuck between floors* every freakin' time so often, I had a good time and learned a lot about who I was as a person.

This was the end of my 2008 sketchbook (15 year old self, btw). The next sketchbook I've been considering skipping altogether, but I want to share how my "art cycle" goes. There is very little in it that I think merits scanning, but I think struggling artists need to see what they have pulled themselves out of in order to keep moving forward. (RNN, I'm looking at you!)
So here we go.
Big hint: it's really bad.
>. >

*Seriously, people. Do not open the doors without the operator's permission. That's why there are signs everywhere. GAH.

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