Thursday 5 January 2012

No classes tomorrow...

... because switching into Arts ROCKS! No classes on Wednesdays or Fridays, so I have time to visit Willie and write/draw without sacrificing study time!
I'll probably continue to accumulate the science courses needed for admission to the AVC, but time will tell what my ultimate decision turns out to be.

As of today, I have several pictures on my "to do list" that I will draw ASAP. No worries, my friends!

Here's one of the requests, by the way:
"Hey Artiste!

I've heard you've gotten really good at drawing farm animals. I was hoping you could draw me a pig. Not a regular pig, but a fat disgusting SOB lying on its side in a puddle of mud with its mouth half-open. The perspective I have in my head is looking down on it from its belly and slightly back while its lying on its left side. If you could incorporate hyper-realism that would be awesome. I want to feel physically ill while looking at this thing. Tell me what you think.


Strange Older Brother"

I have NO idea what he means perspective-wise, but I sent this to him:
Further proof that computers and Artiste do not mix.Is that a person inside the pig?

Back to our regular programming!
This sketchbook is probably my least favorite of all time. It was started 20 April 2009, and was completed sometime in the end of June 2009. This was possibly the most stressful period of my life. I don't even like thinking about it.
Anyway, there appears to be a drastic change in style for, in my opinion, the worse. There are very few pages that somewhat redeemed my opinion of this book, but they are few and far between. For the sake of my personal pride, I only scanned in pages that I found acceptable for the "standard" I wish to maintain on this blog. Not that any of it is inappropriate; I just feel that the pictures are not refined enough to post and are, to put it bluntly, stupid.

I'm sure you've had enough of my snooty self analysis.
Moving on!
... How unlady-like.

As you can see, my skills in drawing anatomy went drastically downhill. :/

My cat Tevye sunning herself on the table.

Even my horse drawing skills suffered. I'm still trying to recover.

Another cat. This one is okay, I guess.
There are only about ten more, so this sketchbook will be a short one.

Also, I haven't forgotten about the Aeolus picture. I'm doing an exercise in patience pffft! so I don't make any stupid shading mistakes. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

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