Thursday 22 December 2011

Last stretch

I've been very busy these past few days, as I have been preparing to leave for the States while still trying to balance out some pre-Christmas visits with my friends and pseudo-family*. As of right now, I still have stuff all over my bed to be packed up or put away. I took my blind neighbor shopping for her Christmas presents** which was a nice day out. I collapsed my mini studio to store while I'm away ( sad!), and things are slowly but surely getting done. Tomorrow is going to be especially busy, as I have to clean the house, bring the chickens to my neighbor's barn, study, visit Willie, deliver some presents, go to a friend's Christmas party, pack, and some smaller chores as well.
Le sigh...
Obviously, I won't be updating regularly until I return from the motherland, but I will come back. I need to. I am addicted to this Island.

You can never challenge this cat to a race. Why? Cos he's a cheetah. HAH HAH HAH. :(

This chunky horse remains one of my favorites. He also won me an iPod, so brownie points for him, I guess.

Completely out of proportion, but I'm liking the shading style here.

Yellow face. I need to get back to drawing faces like this again.

Joey the camel. Having never drawn a camel until this point, I'd say he turned out quite nicely.

 Night y'all.

*I tend to get adopted by people. This is not a bad thing, but I've yet to figure out why this happens everywhere I go. I swear I have my own room in at least 5 different houses.
** She bought me about 10 pounds of candy for being a good farmhand. Awwww! :3

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